The Sandy Hook School Shooting... Massacre?

Articles Concerning the Sandy Hook Shooting  ft. Proof of Hoax

The Verity Outlet Libraries Presents:

          A full analysis concerning the claims made by our government  (Including F.I.M.A. who arrived on the scene prior to the shooting incident at 9:00am, surrounded the building, and closed-off access to the school's parking lots.)  and media on the Sandy Hook School Shooting Massacre occurring on December 14th, in the year 2012 of our Lord.

All 3 articles additionally displayed below on page.

Extended Sophistical Society Library

Barbara Starr from CNN gets in on the acting.

This father appeared on the daytime news claiming his daughter Emily Parker had been shot and killed during the attack. Her correct name was even utilized for this deception.

 ☠ Americans Pay Attention, the same Crisis Actors are being utilized at disparate events!

Nice Photo Shop Time Magazine! They couldn't even line-up fer upper and lower body correctly.

      The news interview with this actor was so ridiculous he was mixing-up the story line and obviously not a real Medical Examiner. Eventually, he said, "well I know more about bullet-hole wounds because I'm a Medical Examiner, but I can't say anymore because this case will be in court soon."

Videos ft. News Reports

Image result for david wheeler crisis actor

ABOVE: Clearly not an immediate evacuation. There's relocation of the students occurring. How many times did they run this drill?  It was December with frost on the ground, where's the kids winter clothing? Perchance, they didn't have time to grab coats, but there's no frost on the ground like reported on this day and it doesn't appear to be winter in CN. Where's the other 585 students?

3rd Picture from LEFT: The fat girl at the bottom-right, does a great job making sure she's staring at the camera, while she's supposedly scared for her son. (if it even is her real son).

Below: Perchance, the most famous Crisis Actress of all  ➖  Victoria Soto

     “The cameras have a running time stamp starting from 9:37 a.m. and running till 12:49 p.m. and show the
entire school and parking lot, yet they show absolutely no evacuation activity taking place that morning, nor do they record purported evacuation activity at specific times as recorded in the official Sandy Hook report,” he said. “In at least 36 documented instances, the evacuation activity events reported on the official Sandy Hook report are not reflected in any of the three dash cams pointed at the specific direction of the school building cited in the report.”
      The iconic picture of the children being evacuated was allegedly taken at 10:16 a.m. on December 14, 2012.

        Once again, there is no such activity recorded by any of the three dash cams, which scoped the entire school and parking lot. Aerial video footage taken of the school grounds by news helicopters also do not show any evacuation activity.

       Therefore, the entire official narrative was altered stating - everyone shot was clearly dead and nobody had injuries requiring ambulances to the hospital, and for this reason nobody was evacuated or received medical treatment until the school was off lock-down. Complete B.S.

The Dash-Cameras Located within the Police Cruiser's on the Scene

Later on, airing on the nightly news this little girl appears on President Obama's lap! An unbelievable mistake. The father is seen laughing while the President gives him a hug and whispers in his ear.

Nice Family Photograph! Notice the old man flashing the Horns of Satan with his Right Hand.

Below: Disgusting, even the F.B.I. Agents & S.W.A.T. Team Members aren't real!  ➖  David Wheeler
Below: Our Conclusion...
Below: A Reliable and Truthful Investigation, requires listening from both sides of the argument
Below: 4 Articles
The Evacuation Process

Recommended Documentary

2h 47min || 30 November 2014 (USA)

Director: Peter Klein (as MrStosh314)
Writer: Peter Klein (as MrStosh314)

Peter Klein, Philip D. Craigie, Mark Barden

Click to Enlarge Photo

Reviews at IMDb:

Rating: 10 out of 10

Given Title: Worth the time. Amazing

by: lathropave6 • Posted December 2014 at https://imdb,com


          In our society we are told we have the right of free speech. There are always many sides to any story. This side needs airing. Watch it. Ask questions. What does it say about US if true? The official report is only one side. Why are there so many unanswered questions. Ignorance won't help. There are many who would have this video removed. Why don't they want the American people to know more?Watch it ands share. I think it is disgusting that the movie keeps getting removed from many sites. I have followed Sherri for years and she is not a kook. She does enjoy studying what is wrong in America. She has shared much helpful advice free for years . You can see here featured first in the movie.

Review at IMDb:
Rating: 10 out of 10
Given Title: Paradigm shifting
by: dtweiss-178-9390365 • Posted: December 2014  at:

        Everyone in the country needs to see this movie and be made aware of the high treason that has been perpetrated on the American people. Sandy Hook was a capstone drill conducted on the 13th and portrayed to the world as real on the 14th. Anyone that does not believe that it was fake hasn't done any research. The MSM lies about almost every news story to control the masses. If you believe Sandy Hook was real and that children and adults were murdered you are mistaken. 911 was a lie just like the Boston marathon bombing. If you want to see overwhelming evidence go on FaceBook and check out a page called " Exposing The Big Three". It has all the best articles and videos on 911 Sandy Hook and the Boston marathon bombing. Good luck in your awakening. The world is not what you have been told it is. Also check out "Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole"

Sandy Hook Elementary School closed in 2008. The school appears to have been non-operational during at least the four years prior to the events of 14 December 2012!

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                                                             National Public Radio Inc. (website) reported:
                                                     Father Of Sandy Hook Shooting Victim Dies

                                                     By Apparent Suicide     March 25, 20194:26 PM ET

    " The father of a Newtown, Conn., girl who was killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elemen-tary School shooting has died in an apparent suicide. Newtown Police say 49-year-old Jeremy Richman was found dead early Monday morning, not far from his office.

       Just months after the death of Avielle, then their only child, Richman and his wife, Jennifer Hensel, co-founded the Avielle Foundation to support neuroscience research to shed light on "what leads someone to engage in harmful behavior" with the hope of "bridging biochemical and behavioral sciences," according to the foundation. "    N.P.R.

          When commenting on his neuroscience foundation he established, Richman arrogantly said, "Just like resources were poured into landing a man on the moon and exploring outer space, we need to invest in exploring our inner space." ➖ Wow, what an asshole! By imploring another act of Hegelian Dialect within his narrative, he's essentially notifying others who're aware the 1960's Apollo Missions subsisted as false-flags events, that his new saga concerning his daughter's death is also a sophistical act; not to mention, this false narrative was the catalyst to commence a bogus medical research foundation for nothing more than personal profit.   It's similar to Freemason politicians. When they deliver speeches to the public (e.g. D. Trump claiming he's building a wall) they'll flash their 'secret' hand-signals to alert all members of associated secret societies that they're indeed lying and thus, displaying their true agenda.      ➖  S.P.

Read this Ancient Egyptian & Celtic Text presently known as the Kolbrin Bible. The famed Exodus story of the Old Testament is recorded within these pages, though written from the Egyptian point-of-view!

Click to visit Page 5 Library: Human Origins

The story just keeps getting more and more sickening. The Jewish Jeremy Richmanjust happens to be personal friends with C.N. Senator Chris Murphy who stated thereafter Richman's death, "My god. This is awful, horrible, devastating news. Jeremy was a good friend and an unceasing advocate for better research into the brain’s violence triggers. He was with me in my office two weeks ago, excited as could be about the Avielle Foundation’s latest amazing work."

Another Murder to Silence Truth
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